Saturday, November 1, 2008

And, the Winner is....

I have selected 5 winners using and I will email each of you for mailing info.

Drum roll, please....

Felicia, Wendy AKA Misswendiki, Andrea, Lauria, and Spider


Notice how they all have a Goggle Blogs? Now you know I totally used the random integer picker, because I would not have picked two comments in a row and also would have thought that it would look suspicious to choose all bloggers.

Your posts trickling in have kept me entertained all month! Thank you!

I am now wishing that I took public transportation. However, I think the novelty would wear off pretty quickly as I do not have to commute anywhere. I am grateful for that and I think it out ways the bit of bummerness that I can't knit while driving to the grocery store. Apparently, tho some of you do try to knit while driving...which makes me wonder if I should issue some sort of disclaimer. Just kidding...sort of.

I hope the Yarn Exhibitionist helps you get all your holiday crafting done easier.

Happy Fall!!


Andrea said...

Awesome I can't believe I won! Thank you, thank you thank you.

Lauria said...

I receieved my kit today! I posted a picture and entry on my blog. Thanks! I am excited to make my yarn exhibitionist kit!